Students advisees / Estudiantes asesorados


Max Gamaliel Espinoza Correa. 2023. Dominant height of Pinus durangensis Martínez from Dasometric and Environmental Variables in Santiago Papasquiaro, Durango. Enginering theses.   (chair or co-chair).


Patricia Lucero Quiñones Gurrola. 2023. Carbon Quantification in Forests of Ejido El Brillante, Pueblo Nuevo, Durango. Enginering theses.   (chair or co-chair).


Adan Nava Nava. 2023. Growth and Yield System in Managemed Forest in Ixtlan de Juarez Oaxaca Community. Doctorate theses.   (chair or co-chair).


José Armando Méndez López. 2023. Forest Management Regime For Irrgular Forests in Ixtlan de Juarez Oaxaca Community. Engineering theses.   (chair or co-chair).


Jonathán Hernández Ramos. 2023. Growth and Yield System for Pinus pseudostrobus Lind. Y Pinus montezumae Lamb. Plantations in Michoacan, Mexico. Doctorate degree theses.   (chair or co-chair).


Isamar Castro Mondragon and Jessica Síchil Gómez. 2023. Volume and Biomass Equations for Quercus sideroxyla in UMAFOR 1009 “Sierra Sur de Durango”. Engineering theses.   (chair or co-chair).


Citalli Cabral Alemán. 2023. Temporal Variation of Reisilience of Pinus durangensis Martínez to Extreme Cimate Events in Northern Mexico. Doctorate degree theses.   (chair or co-chair).


José Manuel Zuñiga Vásquez. 2023. Post-Fire Dynamics of Growth and Structure in Mixed Conifer Forests of Northern Mexico. Doctorate degree theses.   (chair or co-chair).


Leonardo Daniel Rodríguez Carrillo. 2023. Growth and Yield System for Natural regenerated Forests in the southwest Region of Durango. Master’s degree theses.   (chair or co-chair).


Rosa Isela Delgado Espinoza. 2022. Diameter at Breast Height and Basal Area Growth Equations for Pinus durangensis Mártínex in Cebadilla de Dolores, Madera, Chihuahua. Engineering theses.   (chair or co-chair).


Lourdes Bautista Pérez. 2022. Structural diversity and diametric distribution models for mixed stands in Ixtlán de Juárez, Oaxaca. Master’s degree theses.   (chair or co-chair).


Reynol Fierros Mateo. 2021. Phenology and Control of Apolychrosis Ferruginus Through Nutritional Management of Its Host: Pseudotsuga Menziesii (Mirb.) Franco. Doctorate degree theses.   (chair or co-chair).


Diana Paloma Gándara Amezcua. 2021. Using the Stump Diameter to Estimate the Diameter at Breast Height and Volume of Commercial Species in Durango, Mexico. Master’s degree theses. (chair or co-chair).


Bulmaro Avendaño López. 2021. Compatible Taper and Merchantable Volume System for Pinus teocote in South of Nuevo Leon. Master’s degree theses. (chair or co-chair).


Abel Joshep Hernández Martínez. 2021. Density Management Diagrams in Mixed-Species Forests in SAn Juan Nuevo Michoacan, Mexico. Master’s degree theses. (chair or co-chair).


Albert Castillo López. 2019. Silvicultural Tools for Sustainable Forest Management in The Sierra Norte de Oaxaca, Mexico. Doctorate degree theses.  (chair or co-chair).


Reyna Sugey Cabrera Pérez. 2018. Density management diagram for mixed-species forest. Instituto Tecnológico de El Salto. Master’s degree theses. (chair or co-chair).


Mayra Flor López Villegas. 2017. Alometric models to estimate total tree height in managemed forests. Universidad de la Sierra Juárez. Engineering theses. (co-chair).


Eloísa Pérez López. 2017. Growth and yield timber system for even-aged stands of  Pinus patula Schiede ex Schlechtendal & Chamisso. Universidad de la Sierra Juárez. Engineering theses. (co-chair).


Julia Martínez López. 2017. Density management diagrams for mixed-species stands of San Pedro el Alto, Zimatlán, Oaxaca. Colegio de Postgraduados. Master’s degree theses. (co-chair).


Daniel de Jesús Quiroz. 2017. Volume, biomass and carbon equations for plantations of Pinus greggii Engelm., in Durango satate. Instituto Tecnológico de El Salto. Engineering theses. (chair).


Diana Paloma Gándara Amezcua. 2017. Taper, total and merchantable volume models for Pinus durangensis Martínez. Instituto Tecnológico de El Salto. Engineering theses. (chair).


Edgar Alan Flores morales. 2017. Allometric equations to predict dasometric variables and volume estimations for Pinus pseudostrobus in south of Nuevo León. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo Leon, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Master’s degree theses. (chair or co-chair).


Patricia Bautista Santiago. 2016. Dominant height  and site index dynamic equations for Pinus douglasiana Martínez. Universidad de la Sierra Juárez. Engineering theses. (co-chair).


González Méndez Miguel. 2016. Dominant height growth models for Pinus pseudostrobus Lindl. in Ejido El Balcón, Ajuchitlan del Progreso, Guerrero. Instituto Tecnológico de El Salto. Master’s degree theses. (chair or co-chair).


Agustín Ramírez Martínez. 2016. Taper-volume compatible system for Pinus ayacahuite Ehren. Universidad de la Sierra Juárez. Engineering theses. (co-chair).


Hernández Vázquez Nelly and Feliz Naranjo David. 2016. Taper and merchantable volume compatible functions for Pinus pringle Shaw in UMAFOR-1201, in Guerrero state. Instituto Tecnológico de El Salto. Engineering theses. (co-chair).


Cabral Alemán Citlalli. 2015. Density management diagram for mixed-species stands of UMAFOR 1005 “Santiago Papasquiaro y Anexos”. . Instituto Tecnológico de El Salto. Engineering theses. (chair).

Supervission theses